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General Information

According to the Order of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine (No. 409, 17.03.2020) the journal is re-registered as a scientific specialty publication on economic sciences (category “B”).

“Galician economic journal” is a scientific journal in the field of economic sciences of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University. Scientific papers in the following fields are accepted for publication:

051 - Economics
071 - Accounting and taxation
072 - Finance, banking, insurance and stock market
073 - Management
075 - Marketing
076 - Business and trade
281 - Public administration
292 - International economic relations


DOI: 10.33108/galicianvisnyk_tntu

The journal (ISSN: 2409-8892) was traced in 2004 (Certificate of the state registration No 17319-6089PR, KV series, 19.08.2010).

Information on state registration: included in the State Register of Media Entities (Decision of the National Сouncil of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine from 18.01.2024 No. 117).

Media ID: R30-02531

The journal is a scientific - professional edition. 

The purpose and thematic orientation of the journal is to highlight economic problems and solutions through research, new scientific approaches, analysis of the economic aspects in the enterprises’ and institution’s work, as well as issues for improvement of activity.

The journal is published 6 times a year as a journal.

Since 2009 electronic versions of the articles have been deposited in the institutional repository ELARTU.

Articles with original industry-oriented investigations, which are of scientific value and have not been published before, are accepted for publication.
Review articles are not accepted. Requirements for the article’s submission are presented below.

The editorial board carries out internal reviews of the articles

Chief editor –  Dr. Serhii Spivak, Сhief of department in accounting and audit, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University.

The editorial board includes prominent Ukrainian and foreign scientists.

License requirements – the journal is copyrighted, publishing original scientific articles, containing the results of investigations, not applied for publishing or reviewing in other editions. All information is under the license of Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY  reproduced or transmitted with the author’s permission and addressed to this journal.

Open Access – “Galician economic journal” is of open access. All information is of the storage and retrieval system published free in real time for the scientific articles, posted on the journal’s official site in the part “Archives”. The Editorial Board follows the publication ethics and professional standards to ensure the principles of transparency and quality in scientific publications ( See publication ethics ). 

All articles are checked for plagiarism using the Anti-Plagiarism System on the Internet portal Strikeplagiarism.com and the Anti-Plagiarism System on the Internet portal Unicheck.com. Articles with the maximum values of similarity coefficients CS1 - 20%, CS2 - 5% for the Strikeplagiarism system and with a text originality levela bove 85% for the Unicheck system are accepted for consideration.

The journal articles are indexed in the Index Copernicus, Google Scholar CrossrefEBSCO and ULRICHSWEB Global Serials Directory scientific and metric database.

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