Короткий опис |
Розглянуто особливості договірних взаємовідносин, які виникають між ключовими суб’єктами туристичної діяльності: туроператором, турагентом і туристом. З’ясовано, що основними документами, які регулюють їх діяльність, є агентський договір та договір на туристичне обслуговування. Охарактеризовано особливості кожного з них.
It was found that in the process of promoting travel services they are completed in the tourism product (with help of travel agent) and through the distribution system (with help of travel agencies) are communicated to the consumer (tourist). Effective cooperation between the three aforementioned actors of the tourism market is impossible without the settlement of a number of legal and economic moments that conclusion is based on the number of contracts.The features of the contractual relationships that occur between the main subjects of tourism: travel operators, travel agents and tourist are considered. It was found that the basic instruments governing their activities are an agency agreement and a contract for travel services. The features of each of them are characterized. Main features of travel operators are: these firms are the propucers of the tourism product. They complete tours, develop routes, bought travel services in their direct producers – hotel companies, travelling organizations, businesses, food, culture, entertainment, leisure, etc. Main feature of travel agents is that they sell for fee different tours to travel operator on the basis of a contract between them. Travel agent provides advertising of tours, their sale and delivery of customers to the place of destination before travel, monitors the quality of service, collects customers’comments and suggestions. |