Короткий опис |
Представлено методологію системної динаміки як інструмент моделювання й аналізу, щоб вирішити стратегічні проблеми планування потужностей у харчовій галузі.
Current trends in the practice of supply chain management are formed under the impact of many factors that motivate professionals to pay more attention to the development of appropriate tools of decision-making support in supply chain management, i.e. the coordination and regulation of its elements. Effect of different factors on the promotion effectiveness in the chain results in certain problems of contractors interactions. There is a change of building relationships between contractors resulting in displaced traditional management techniques. In modeling the supply chain functioning at any level of management processes as dynamic systems with feedback, the system dynamics is a useful tool which is based on the assumption that behavior is mainly determined by its info-logical structure. The design of system-dynamic model takes place in two phases: 1) a formalization of the research object and the construction of a causal diagram; 2) a transformation of formalized model in the mathematical analogue system of equations. A methodological approach based on system dynamics modeling and analysis of multi-echelon supply chains is presented in the paper. This methodology makes it possible to develop models of the supply chain by combining single-echelon models in accordance with a modular approach. The model can be used to identify effective strategies and optimal parameters for various problems of strategic decision-making. The methodology was tested for the transportation capacity planning of food supply chain. In addition, the model can be used to analyze different scenarios of supply chains functioning using the overall profitability of the supply chain as a performance criterion. The model may also be useful for top-managers who are responsible for decision-making in the context of strategic supply chain management issues. |
Перелік літератури |
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