Analytical approaches to strategic business management
Назва | Analytical approaches to strategic business management |
Назва англійською | Analytical approaches to strategic business management |
Автори | Fedorovych, Roman Seredynska, Vira Zahorodna, Olga |
Принадлежність |
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine |
Бібліографічний опис | Fedorovych R. Analytical approaches to strategic business management / Roman Fedorovych, Vira Seredynska, Olga Zahorodna // Галицький економічний вісник. — Т. : ТНТУ, 2017. — Том 52. — № 1. — С. 51–55. — (Економіка та управління підприємствами). |
Bibliographic description (trans): | Fedorovych R., Seredynska V., Zahorodna O. (2017) Analytical approaches to strategic business management. Galician economic bulletin (Tern.), vol. 52, no 1, pp. 51-55 [in English]. |
Bibliographic description: | Fedorovych R., Seredynska V., Zahorodna O. (2017) Analytical approaches to strategic business management. Galician economic journal (Tern.), vol. 52, no 1, pp. 51-55. |
UDC: |
330.13 |
Ключові слова |
strategic management
strategic goals
strategic objectives
key performance indicators
balanced management |
Короткий опис |
The article explains scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the value of the enterprise in the system of value-based management. The article examines the necessity of using internal fundamental value of the company’s potential as a criterion for selecting alternative strategies as well as defines parameters and factors of its growth. The article specifies the meaning of internal fundamental value of the company’s potential in the formation of the business market value. The development of the methodological tools of strategic economic efficiency evaluation is critically analyzed. Innovative methods of strategic management are systematized as well as their role in the formation of internal fundamental value of the company’s potential is detailed, methods aimed at evaluating the cost and methods that lead to its creation are discussed. The article explains the priority of using the balance management concept in order to improve manageability of the company and its internal fundamental value. Moreover, the relationship between strategic management and key performance indicators are shown as well as reasonable requirements for its formation. |
ISSN: | 2409-8892 |
Перелік літератури |
1. Kouplend T., Koller T., Murin D. Stoimost' kompanij: ocenka i upravlenie. Cost of companies: evaluation and management, per. s angl. Olimp-Biznes 3, 2005. [Іn Russian].
2. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. Sbalansirovannaja sistema pokazatelej. Ot strategii k dejstviju (Balanced scorecard. From strategy to action) per. s angl. M. Pavlovoj. Olimp-Biznes 2, 2008. [Іn Russian].
3. Momot T.V. Vartisno-oriientovane korporatyvne upravlinnia vid teorii do praktychnoho vprovadzhennia (Value-oriented corporate management from theory to practical implementation) Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet miskoho hospodarstva (Kharkiv National University of Urban), 2006. [Іn Ukrainian].
4. Popov D. Jevoljucija pokazatelej strategii razvitija predprijatija (Evolution indicators enterprise development strategy) Upravlenie kompaniej (Management company)2. (2016. November.14), 2003. [Іn Ukrainian].
5. Sokhats'ka O.M., Ostrovs'ka H.Y. Intehratsiya Balansed Screcard v systemi upravlinnya vartistyu orhanizatsiyi (Integration Balansed Screcard system of cost management) Komunal'noe khozyaystvo horodov. (Municipal economy of cities.) Nauchno-tekhnycheskyy sbornyk. 85, pp. 120 – 131.
7. Yaremko I.Y. Teoretychni i prykladni zasady formuvannya vartosti mashynobudivnykh pidpryyemstv (Theoretical and applied principles of formation of value engineering companies): monohrafiya L'viv: Natsional'nyy universytet L'vivs'ka politekhnika (Lviv Polytechnic National University), 2008. [In Ukrainian].
8. Jakovleva E.A. Upravlenie stoimost'ju promyshlennogo predprijatija v uslovijah innovacionnogo razvitija (Management of the value of an industrial enterprise in conditions of innovative development): avtoref. dis. d-ra. ekon. nauk Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet jekonomiki i finansov (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance), 2009. [In Russian].
9. Rappaport A. Creating shareholder value: The Standart for Business Performance. New York: Free Press, 1986. [In English].
10. Stern E., Stewart S. China Adopts EVA: An Essential Step in the Great Leap Forward Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. 1, 57 – 62. (2016, December, 07), 2011. [In English].
11. Stewart S.&Co. Research EVA&Strategy (2015, July, 01), 2015. [In English]. |
References: |
1. Kouplend T., Koller T., Murin D. Stoimost' kompanij: ocenka i upravlenie. Cost of companies: evaluation and management, per. s angl. Olimp-Biznes 3, 2005. [Іn Russian].
2. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. Sbalansirovannaja sistema pokazatelej. Ot strategii k dejstviju (Balanced scorecard. From strategy to action) per. s angl. M. Pavlovoj. Olimp-Biznes 2, 2008. [Іn Russian].
3. Momot T.V. Vartisno-oriientovane korporatyvne upravlinnia vid teorii do praktychnoho vprovadzhennia (Value-oriented corporate management from theory to practical implementation) Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet miskoho hospodarstva (Kharkiv National University of Urban), 2006. [Іn Ukrainian].
4. Popov D. Jevoljucija pokazatelej strategii razvitija predprijatija (Evolution indicators enterprise development strategy) Upravlenie kompaniej (Management company)2. (2016. November.14), 2003. [Іn Ukrainian].
5. Sokhats'ka O.M., Ostrovs'ka H.Y. Intehratsiya Balansed Screcard v systemi upravlinnya vartistyu orhanizatsiyi (Integration Balansed Screcard system of cost management) Komunal'noe khozyaystvo horodov. (Municipal economy of cities.) Nauchno-tekhnycheskyy sbornyk. 85, pp. 120 – 131.
7. Yaremko I.Y. Teoretychni i prykladni zasady formuvannya vartosti mashynobudivnykh pidpryyemstv (Theoretical and applied principles of formation of value engineering companies): monohrafiya L'viv: Natsional'nyy universytet L'vivs'ka politekhnika (Lviv Polytechnic National University), 2008. [In Ukrainian].
8. Jakovleva E.A. Upravlenie stoimost'ju promyshlennogo predprijatija v uslovijah innovacionnogo razvitija (Management of the value of an industrial enterprise in conditions of innovative development): avtoref. dis. d-ra. ekon. nauk Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet jekonomiki i finansov (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance), 2009. [In Russian].
9. Rappaport A. Creating shareholder value: The Standart for Business Performance. New York: Free Press, 1986. [In English].
10. Stern E., Stewart S. China Adopts EVA: An Essential Step in the Great Leap Forward Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. 1, 57 – 62. (2016, December, 07), 2011. [In English].
11. Stewart S.&Co. Research EVA&Strategy (2015, July, 01), 2015. [In English]. |
Завантажити | |