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Доктрини реформування менеджменту вищої школи

НазваДоктрини реформування менеджменту вищої школи
Назва англійськоюDoctrines of management reformation in higher educational establishments
АвториПочтовюк, Андрій Pochtovyuk, Andriy
Бібліографічний описА.Почтовюк. Доктрини реформування менеджменту вищої школи / А.Почтовюк // Галицький економічний вісник. — 2012. — №6(39). — с.13-22 - (економіка та управління національним господарством)
Bibliographic description (trans):




Ключові слова
вища освіта
менеджмент вищої освіти
вищий навчальний заклад
вища школа
реформування вищої освіти
higher education
the management of higher education
higher educational establishment
reform of higher education
Короткий опис

У статті визначено поняття доктрина, проаналізовано розвиток національної системи вищої освіти та розглянуто пріоритети державної політики. Автором досліджено доктрини реформування менеджменту вищої школи як вітчизняних, так і міжнародних: США, Великобританіі та європейських країн.
The rapid changes that have occurred in the last decade in the life of our country are caused by socio-economic and political factors that affected all aspects of social life including the education system. The relevance of the research of processes occurring in education increases as the society has recognized that the transition to an information society where knowledge serve as the main social value results in the increasing role of highly intelligent individual capable not only to accept previously accumulated scientific knowledge but also to generalize, analyze and create a new form of advanced information technologies, services and products. The state education system and its ability to satisfy the needs of the individual and society as a high-quality educational service principally depend on the prospects of social development in the modern world. The way of European and global integration chosen by Ukraine necessitates the intensive changes in political, economic and social lives of our country. That is why in recent years the reform process has been taking place in education to achieve the best world standards. The emergence of a strategic document named the National Doctrine of Education was considered to be a significant progress which laid the foundations of a new paradigm of education – the focus on innovative type of humanistic education, its competitiveness in European and global spaces, nurturing of young generation that will secure and mobile labor market and is able to do personal spiritual and ideological choices possessing the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies for lifelong learning. Therefore, the domestic and international doctrines of management reformation in higher educational establishments are examined in the article.

Перелік літератури

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